Pine Script Indicator Development
Currently the most popular and highest rated TradingView Pine Script development course available on Udemy!
In this course you will learn about the scripting language supported by TradingView called Pine Script. From language basics to the creation of both simple and complex indicators you will build a firm grasp of everything you need to make your chart analysis and trading operations more efficient and accurate. You don’t need to know anything about programming to take this training course – just a general understanding of trading concepts and how to read charts. While it might be helpful if you are familiar with some coding concepts and other scripting languages, it truly is not necessary especially since Pine Script is a vector-based language and most other scripting languages are not.
You can get a coupon that gets you this course for $29.99 by subscribing to our email list below. Note this is 80% off the regular price of $149.99 (Udemy may show you a different “regular price” as they are testing algos, but trust me, $149.99 is the regular price). If that’s too much trouble and you are ok with only a 40% discount ($89.99), then choose that option below to go directly to Udemy! Choose your discount below!
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Courses Currently Under Development
Backtest & Automate Strategies on TradingView w/ PineScript
In this course you will learn how to create strategies in TradingView with Pine Script, how to use these strategies to run automated backtests, and how to convert these strategies for use with an automated trading system such as a trading bot.
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